Click link for Amazon  or JUDICIAL CRIMINALS: The greatest Fraud Upon American Society – America’s Legal System

Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights ( "(t)he most important obligation of the United States government under the Constitution is to protect its citizens' unalienable rights, which it accomplishes by giving expression to those rights in the positive law of the land".   

"...who will blow the whistle on governmental and private-sector scams? How can we defend our rights when our elected officials, those who have the obligation to uphold the law, are actually in the service of other, more powerful and lucrative interests? What can we do when the executive, legislative and judiciary are progressively corrupted, when institutions like the ICC discontinue investigations into gross criminality by powerful states while prosecuting the little fish.."    
12/29/21: (Morrison) ICC Preliminary Investigation Request Sent 
1/17/2022: The Hague: 
Dear Sir, Madam "The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of your documents/letter"

Senator Whitehouse and colleagues PCSCOTUS-2021-0001-0024_attachment_2 Having made decisions grounded on questionable facts, when those facts were later conclusively proven by events to be WRONG, the Court then made NO EFFORT TO CLEAN UP ITS ERRORS. WHAT IS THE REMEDY? Should the Court clean up its own errors? If so, how and when? Or should decisions based on CLEARLY ERRONEOUS FACTUAL PREMISES BE ALLOWED TO STAND, notwithstanding the PLAIN ERROR, with ALL OF GOVERNMENT HELPLESS TO CORRECT THE WRONG?


DECADES NO RULE OF LAW/REMEDY/IMPUNITY-MASSIVE PERVASIVE FINANCIAL CRIMINALITY: MY STORY DOCUMENTS MICHIGAN FAMILY COURT JUDGES' ABUSE OF POWER AND BLOWING THE WHISTLE ON THE CONNIVANCE BETWEEN POWER AND POLITICS. Rep Stone +Michigan Democratic State Representative Stone read my book and responded on November 19, 2019: "With that all said, it is still well documented that either recourse is an uphill, and sometimes impossible, battle for a person when looking for judicial recourse and is in need of reform." In  Kirby v Mich High Sch Athletic Ass’n, 459 Mich 23, 40; 585 NW2d 290 (1998), (noting that “[a] party must obey an order entered by a court with proper jurisdiction, even if the order is clearly incorrect, or the party must face the risk of being held in contempt”)-----THAT INCLUDES LOSING YOUR LIFE  (suicides/Thomas Ball (Boston Globe) bench warrant/Walter Scott), LIBERTIES and PROPERTY, ILLEGALLY. My marriage was annulled by consent on the divorce record only "settlement agreement" in a disposition filed on June 3, 1997. Macomb County Circuit Court, Family Court entered a non-consented settlement agreement/(3)judgments and ILLEGALLY subjected me to (parental) alienation- 'child psychological abuse', unjust/inappropriate child support enforcement, (4) bench warrants (no bond), ex-parte loss of my home and all contents, threat of professional licenses suspension, individual retirement accounts (IRA) illegal liquidation of $38,813.19 and $41,803.70 by an attorney malpractice trial, falsely reported to credit report bureaus by Michigan’s “Office of Child Support” for $25,485 in child support owed, and life savings for parental rights. I could have lost my occupational licenses by having bench warrants on my record, or my life.  This non-consented settlement agreement/(3)judgments, wrong per court transcript should be void ab initio.

UN Human Rights Council Poised to Address Prospect of Judicial Impunity in America -- Opt IN USA

Failure to Provide Effective Avenues of Redress and Relief for the Role of U.S. Judges in Persecution and Psychological Torture Imposed Through Persistent U.S. Legal System Abuse INT_CCPR_ICS_USA_33372_E.pdf (

June 4, 2021: AG DANA NESSEL 2021 Many of the concerns (CRIMES?) you express are the result of state legislation. The Attorney General cannot change these laws. Rather, the Attorney General is dutybound to enforce the laws that have been enacted by the Legislature. Therefore, I suggest you contact your state representative or senator... 

6 23 21 21 SENATOR PETERS    The role of law enforcement and government officials is to keep our state safe and serve the families they are sworn to protect.




Macomb County Circuit Court, (Judge #1) Judge Servitto, FRAUDULENT Court Docket:

My marriage was annulled by consent on the divorce record only “settlement agreement” in a disposition filed on June 3, 1997.

        • August 19, 1997: Consent Judgment of Annulment
        • September 2, 1997: Amended Consent Judgment of Annulment
        • September 8, 1997: Second Amended Consent Judgment of Annulment

May 11, 1999: Macomb County Circuit Court, (Judge #2) Chief Judge Maceroni:

    • MACERONI: Consent judgment of annulment, what is your issue regarding it?
    • CHRISTINE: The validity of it. I never consented or signed that, and neither did my attorney.
    • MACERONI: Your attorney did.
    • CHRISTINE: He said to form only, not content (rights).
    • MACERONI: Ms. Morrison, you are objecting to items that have been entered almost two years ago, and that’s entitled to consent Judgment of Annulment.
    • CHRISTINE: Not without a signature.
    • MACERONI: That was approved as to form only (not the content of rights), and as far as Mr. Aiello was concerned and signed by Mr. Perakis, and if there was any problem with that, it should have been appealed a long time ago.
      CHRISTINE: I never consented.

October 12, 2000: Chief Judge Maceroni, Macomb County Circuit Court: Motion to Conform the Judgment of Divorce to the Consent Agreement Placed on the Court Record June 3, 1997 (TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT 10/30/00-NO RULING).

August 20, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, lawyer malpractice proceedings of Aiello, Mr. Henry representing me, and Aiello’s own attorney, Mr. Geyer:

    • GEYER: Your Honor, for the purpose of speeding things up, I’ll stipulate that the clients did not sign either amendment.
    • COURT: Okay.
    • HENRY: Or the original.
    • GEYER: Or the original.
    • HENRY: Thank you, I’ll accept the stipulation, then.

August 20, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, cross-examinations by Mr. McKinney representing Christine, and Aiello attorney, Mr. Geyer:

    • McKINNEY: Do you recall whether Ms. Morrison was in court with you August 19?
    • AIELLO: I can’t remember.
    • McKINNEY: Is this your signature on that document?
    • AIELLO: Yes.
    • McKINNEY: So, you approved that judgment?
    • AIELLO: I can’t remember.
    • McKINNEY: You don’t remember?
    • AIELLO: Whatever a judge says, you do. If the judge says go sign it; sign it. If the judge says don’t sign it; don’t sign it. You know that. I do what the judge tells me to do.
                           VOID JUDGMENTS

October 3, 2019Michigan Supreme Court Oral Argument: Chief Justice McCormack: Normally, we don't permit a collateral attack on an underlying judgment. (VOID JUDGMENTS?)

The Court Has A Responsibility To Correct a Void Judgment: The statute of limitations does not apply to a suit in equity to vacate a void judgment. (Cadenasso v. Bank of Italy, p. 569; Estate of Pusey, 180 Cal. 368,374 [181 P. 648].) This rule holds as to all void judgments. In the other two cases cited, People v. Massengale and In re Sandel, the courts confirmed the judicial power and responsibility to correct void judgments.

A void judgment is a nullity from the beginning, and is attended by none of the consequences of a valid judgment. It is entitled to no respect whatsoever because it does not affect, impair, or create legal rights." Ex parte Seidel, 39 S.W.3d 221, 225 (Tex.Crim. App. 2001), Ex parte Spaulding, 687 S.W.2d at 745 (Teague, J.,concuning).

A Party Affected by VOID Judicial Action Need Not APPEAL. State ex rd. Latty, 907 S.W.2d at 486. It has also been held that "It is not necessary to take any steps to have a void judgment reversed, vacated, or set aside, It may be impeached in any action direct or, collateral.' Holder v. Scott, 396 S.W.2d 906, (Tex.Civ.App., Texarkana, 1965, writ ref., n.r.e.). A court'cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding valid. It is clear and well established law that a void order can be challenged in any court", OLD WAYNE MUT. L. ASSOC. v. McDONOUGH, 204 U. S. 8,27 S. Ct. 236 (1907). 

The law is well-settled that a void order or judgement is void even before reversal", VALLEY v. NORTHERN FIRE & MARINE INS. CO., 254 U.S. 348,41 S. Ct. 116 (1920) "Courts are constituted by authority and they cannot go beyond that power delegated to them. If they act beyond that authority, and certainly in contravention of it, their judgements and orders are regarded as nullities; they are not voidable, but simply void, and this even prior to reversal." WILLIAMSON v. BERRY, 8 HOW. 945,540 12 L. Ed. 1170, 1189 (1850).

When appeal is taken from a void judgment, the appellate court must declare the judgment void, because the appellate court may not address the merits, it must set aside the trial court's judgment and dismiss the appeal. A void judgment may be attacked at any time by a person whose rights are affected See El-Kareh v Texas Alcoholic Beverage Comm'n, 874 S W 2d 192, 194 (Tex App —Houston [14th Dist.] 1994, no writ); see also Evans v. C. Woods, Inc., No. 12-99-00153-CV, 1999 WL 787399, at *1 (Tex. App.—Tyler Aug. 30, 1999, no pet. h.). In Foster v. Foster the court ruled disability compensation is FEDERALLY PROTECTED under 38 USC § 5301 and CANNOT be used as a funding source for a VETERANS’ obligations in divorce proceedings.

A void judgment does not create any binding obligation. Federal decisions addressing void state court judgments include Kalb v. Feuerstein (1940) 308 US 433, 60 S Ct 343, 84 L ed 370. 

                  U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE


The first complaint was submitted in September 2015, DOJ “workflow binder #3066845” was assigned. There was NO RESPONSE to my first criminal complaint. Instead, on March 14, 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a Dear Colleague letter to state and local courts that announced a package of resources to assist state and local efforts to reform practices- “One purpose of the DOJ letters to address “some of the most common practices that run afoul of the United States Constitution and other federal laws and to assist court leadership in ensuring that courts at every level of the justice system operate fairly and lawfully.” These laws include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, for court systems receiving federal funds”. THE DOJ ISSUED $2.5 MILLION IN COMPETITIVE GRANTS TO AGENCIES TO DEVELOP STRATEGIES THAT PROMOTE APPROPRIATE JUSTICE SYSTEM RESPONSE. 

The second criminal case complaint was submitted in May 2016, DOJ “workflow binder #3125888”. On October 27, 2016, the DOJ Criminal Division responded:

“The Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division is responsible for enforcing federal criminal rights statutes. Much of our enforcement activity relates to the investigation and prosecution of deprivations of civil rights under color of law. These matters generally involve allegations of excessive physical force or sexual abuse by law enforcement officers. We have carefully reviewed the information that you furnished.” However, we have concluded that your complaint does not involve prosecutable violations of federal criminal code”. 

The third criminal case complaint was submitted in June 2020, via certified U.S. mail to the DOJ Criminal Division, with a copy of my book (court transcripts/ court orders). DID THE DOJ ACT AS AN ACCOMPLICE/ACCESSORY/CONSPIRATOR COVERING UP THE FRAUD/COURT DOCKET?
Senator Nancy Schafer stated, "Child support is a crime against humanity for financial gain, rights removed from parents as human rights, civil rights, and even religious rights.
1/4/2023:  From: HRC_SR Violence Against Women
           Subject: UN Rapporteur Reem Alsalem

Dear Ms. Morrison,

We confirm receipt of your submission to the Special Rapporteur's next thematic report. Many thanks for your work on this.

Kind regards,

The Secretariat of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls

FRCP 60(b) 1-6, Immunity does not exist to States that accept federal money, nor does immunity exist with violations of the Fourteenth Amendment, and ADA.   Federal law requires each state to operate a child support enforcement program throughout the state by the requirements of Title IV-D of the Social Security Act of 1975.

 Federal incentive payments to State courts:    Child support Cumulative Collections 1976-2018=$616,120,865,835 (p.11).   For every dollar, state courts spend on the child support program, the state courts collect between $1.00 dollar to $11.00 dollars (p.42 cost-effectiveness P-36). DO THE MATH (Trillions?)  Michigan’s total collections received FY 2018 = $1,380,738,611 (p.35). Michigan reported $24,919,164 in undistributed child support collected and received $25,800,000 in estimated incentive payments from the federal government. For every $1 spent on the child support program, Michigan collected $6.37 in return (p.42).  The United States OCSE conducts an audit of each state’s program at least every three years (requested no response).  Family Court is not about the best interest of the child (prey ), it is about: (1)“More money flows through family courts, and into the hands of courthouse insiders, than in all other court systems in America combined-over $50 billion a year and growing” (Divorce Corp) and (2) the state’s treasury to maximize federal child support incentives under Title IV-D  to pay for social programs/entitlements (TANF) via child support collected. In South Carolina, Walter Scott was shot dead for fleeing a child support warrant.  The State made me a fugitive by the issuance of 4 bench warrants.

MICHIGAN OBTAINED FEDERAL INCENTIVE TITLE IV-D FUNDING FOR ITS CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT AGENCY UNDER FALSE CLAIMS OF COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS LAWS. LAW OCSE:  CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT SECTION 9103 OF PUBLIC LAW 99-509:  Federal law requires each state to operate a child support enforcement program throughout the state by the requirements of Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, including the prohibition of retroactive modification of child support. To ensure that a state has an effective child support enforcement, the United States OSCE conducts an audit every three years (requested-no response). Judges would be required by the state to comply with the prohibition of retroactive modification requirements, federal law does not provide any exception: 


ILLEGAL Judgment Regarding RETROACTIVE CHILD SUPPORT, ATTORNEY AWARD FEES, Setting Show Cause and Related Matters: Child Support and Statutory/Fees: For the time period commencing January 1, 2005, and continuing through May 2008 (Christine) owes (Hannaford) child support in the amount of $33,764.70. However, Defendant (Christine) is entitled to the credit of $9,906.95 existing pursuant to Friend of the Court records on November 18, 2008, plus an additional credit of $153.00. Therefore, the Friend of the Court records shall be adjusted effective as of November 18, 2008, to reflect a child support arrearage owing by Defendant of $23,704.75 with the statutory surcharges to be calculated retroactively to November 16, 2007. Defendant shall pay the total arrearage to Plaintiff on or before December 18, 2008, which is 30 days from this court’s ruling on November 18, 2008. Statutory surcharges and monthly fees of $3.80 shall continue to accrue as provided by law until the arrearage is paid in full.

    • Attorney Fees: Awarded attorney fees, $12,188.97. Christine shall pay such amount in full no later than January 2, 2009, which is 45 days from the date of hearing in this matter.
    •  Date for Show Cause: In the event (Christine) has failed to pay the full amount of retroactive child support award in the amount of $33,764.70 then (she) shall appear on January 6, 2009, before this court at 1:30 p.m. to show cause why she should not be held in contempt and subjected to the penalties set forth in MCL 552.635(2), including why this court should not suspend her occupational license’s in the State of Michigan and pursue such suspensions in other jurisdictions, as permitted by law.

January 12, 2009: FULL CASH BOND $46,577.74

January 14, 2009: Judge Yokich Court Orders:

    • Bench warrant;
    • Retroactive child support award of $33,764.70;
    •  Attorney fee award, $12,188.97 (illegal compensation?);
    •  Denial of cash appeal stay bond.

February 10, 2009:  Michigan Supreme Court Appeal (#138219): 

    • The Trial court committed reversible error when it applied the retroactivity of imputed income and child support owing to Defendant (Christine) prior to the date on which Plaintiff (Hannaford) first filed his petition for an increase in child support, (which was) November 16, 2007.
    • The court reviews questions of statutory construction de novo, Perry v. Galling Chrysler Plymouth Jeep, Inc. At issue is MCL 552.603(2), which provides in pertinent part that “retroactive modification of a support payment due under a support order is permissible with respect to a period during which there is pending a petition for modification, but only from the date that notice of the petition was given to the payer or recipient of support.
    • Interpretation of this portion of the statute is at the heart of the Malone v. Malone appellate decision, (in which the court) ratified the prior decision of Waple v. Waple, 179 Mich App 673,675–677; 446 NW2 536 (1989), wherein it stated: “by the critical terms of this statute, retroactive modification of support for periods prior to the [November 16, 2007], date of notice of the petition is prohibited.” Malone v. Malone is the Michigan Court of Appeals’ clear and definitive statement on the statutory construction of the retroactivity of a petition for change in child support; that Court was clear in its holding that “MCL 552.603(2) allows for the retroactive modification of child support from the date that notice was given to the recipient of the support payments of the petition to modify support.”

March 13, 2009: Michigan Supreme Court Appeal #138219- Dismissed.  Judge Yokich Order:

    • Releasing/forfeiting appeal bond of $25,485.68 (included child support, statutory fees);
    • Attorney award fees, $12,188.97;
    • Setting aside bench warrant (1-14-09);
    • All other provisions of the 1-14-09 order shall remain in full force and effect.

January 2019: California Family Law Judges Who Do Not Follow the Guideline Formula are in for Reversal: The conclusion was that “[b]y disregarding these facts in calculating child support, the trial court failed to comply with the statutes governing this highly regulated area of the law, and therefore abused its discretion.”

March/2009-Case Finished, Reported to Credit Report Bureaus:  The State of Michigan’s “Office of Child Support” reported a negative child support balance owing of $25,485.00 to the credit report bureaus. The court docket record confirms a cash bond was posted for $46,577.74 on January 12, 2009. In March 2009, the appeal bond of $25,485.68 was released/forfeited for child support, including $12, 188.97 attorney award fees.

March 14, 2016: Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Office for Access to Justice “Dear Colleague” letter addresses: Courts must not use arrest warrants or license suspensions as a means of coercing the payment of court debt when individuals have not been afforded constitutionally adequate procedural protections. 


FINANCIAL FRAUD FACTS: RELIANCE UPON KNOWN FALSE FINANCIAL TESTIMONY:  July 20, 1998: Macomb County Circuit Court, Chief Judge Maceroni, Court Transcript

    • CM/ATTORNEY: She has the burden of proving that he is underrepresenting his income. She’s trying to meet that burden. She, you know, she has to pay support. That’s fine, she’s paying it, but let’s be upfront about what his financial [. . .] With regards to his weekly income, it says it’s $500.00. First, as the Court is aware, there are a lot of arguments regarding what Mr. Hannaford’s income is.
    • JUDGE MACERONI: Just tell me, what is his income?
    • PERAKIS: She just said it’s $540.00 a week, it’s $770 a week, which the Friend of the Court has already determined to be his net income.[. . .] however, I believe my client (Hannaford) is not alleging a proper income.
  • January 25, 1999: Judge Maceroni Court Transcript:

MACERONI: Ms. Morrison, I will assess actual court costs, I will assess Mr. Perakis’s attorney fees against you, and I may assess some costs to Mr. Hannaford in the event he’s out of work. And if you don’t pay those costs, I’ll hold you in contempt of Court and you will spend some time in Sheriff Hackel’s jail. Those are the ground rules. You go back with Mr. Perakis now if you want to get a date for an evidentiary hearing (financial discovery/Hannaford).

Question: Is using the misnomer “Judge” to identify Predators who threaten, extort, intimidate, and perpetrate a string of other crimes to steal our birthrights, property and liberty and identify their illegal pronouncements as “Orders” is just as obscene as their Orwellian (brutal policy of draconian control/denial of truth) atrocities?

August 21, 2001, Oakland County Circuit Court, Attorney Malpractice Trial, Exhibit Z: (concealment/suppression of material evidence): Analysis by John Dery, CPA, CFE, CIRA, an accounting firm specializing in litigation and forensic accounting shows the adjusted gross receipts from Hannaford’s corporate federal tax returns. The business analysis and financial summary for the base years 1994–1997 showed a net profit of $2,023,999. (Book p. 34)

I had two trial witnesses, many trial exhibits, and much testimony on this subject, including my expert financial reconstructionist/certified public accountant, John Dery testified as to the actual amount of income Hannaford made during the time of 1994–1997, which was more than $2,000,000 for the four years, which was far more than the mere $17,500 per year in 1994 that he under-reported to the Macomb County Friend of the Court (Trial Exh. X), or the $42,000 he told the IRS for that same 1994 year (Trial Exh. Y) which was part of the reason I who became disabled (12/98) and was not working at all at the time, was ordered to pay a grossly inappropriate and egregious amount in child support ($275 week).


APRIL 15, 1992: My filing with the Friend of the Court, “Complaint about Child Support and Restitution” (against Hannaford): Macomb County Friend of the Court awarded Christine during a brief separation, $58 per week in child supportAugust 24, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial (Aiello):

    • HENRY: I am handing you what is marked as proposed Exhibit KK (1993: 1120 U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return $253,725), and ask if you can identify this document, yes or no.
    • HANNAFORD: 1993? I thought this was limited.
    • HENRY: It’s not.

June 2, 2004, to September 10, 2005: The Macomb County “Friend of the Court” paid Hannaford child support when my daughter did not live with him from my support credit account. During this period, I filed for child support enforcement/health care reimbursement= none (Book p.108). 

June 4, 2021: AG DANA NESSEL 2021 Rather, the role of the Attorney General is limited to criminal violations of the Felony Non-Support Statue.

Michigan and other states are obtaining federal funding for their child support enforcement agency/program under false claims of compliance with federal civil rights laws. "The Hardworking Taxpayers of America ... are footing the bill for this injustice, fraud, and extortion:   It seems that once a state opts to accept federal funding for child support enforcement (as well as other federally funded programs) it automatically waives sovereign immunity and cannot discriminate in the use of these federal funds.  The State child support enforcement agency (Division of Family Development and Probation Division) have failed to comply with their obligations under the federal Child Support Enforcement Acts, Title IV-D, 42 U.S.C. 651-669, and other related statutes.  TANF: Welfare Reform has usurped our system of law and destroyed liberty and justice for all. NYS has received consistently over six years approx. $2.0 Billion/yr. from the Hardworking Taxpayers of America to use for state entitlement programs to include the NYS Earned Income Tax Credit.  The administrative costs are over $1.4 Billion and system costs are over $35 Million.  These monies flow in via child support collection incentive matching funds.  Information is available via the DHHS – HHS Department, TANF Funding. So as you see, the more you collect into the system, the more federal funding a state receives.  Do you really think no one would figure this out.  No wonder there are no downward child support modifications – not even if a father loses his job (or is disabled).  This is the crux of the problem in the NYS Family Court System.  It says it all – it is all about the money to the states, not to the children.  Ms. Frye, Chief, Office of Child Support in CA on 3/20/97 testified before the Subcommittee on Human Resources of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means for the Welfare Reform Bill.  She states: “As we understand it, the proposal goes far beyond the Congressional intent to develop an incentive system that rewards good outcomes and in fact encourages states to recruit middle class families, never dependent on public assistance and never likely to be so, into their programs in order to maximize federal child support incentives”. She goes on to say, “And my colleagues across the country have already informed me how I can win at this system; recruit the middle class, bring those higher orders into your system and that way you will be able to benefit like some of the other states from the cap removal on the never-welfare population”.  Just think, NYS’s emancipation age is 21 – additional three years of our monies. Where are these monies going?  Supporting the judicial system – into New York States General Fund?   There is hundreds of millions of dollars in un-obligated and undistributed funds reported to the DHHS." 

Ex-Parte Petition/Order to Show Cause order on a non-party, no advanced notice of a motion for real (condominium) and personal property lien on (condominium) my property resulting in two court orders within 24 hours of each other, on September 1 and 2, 1999 (TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT 11-8-99/NO RULING):

Chief Judge Maceroni, Macomb County Circuit Court, Court Orders:

    • 9/1/99: Seizure, sealing, inventory, setting aside quitclaim deed to the third party (stepmother), and immediate possession of my home (condominium);
    • 9/2/99:  Lien on the title of my condominium (cloud on the title for three years);
    • 9/23/99: Ex-parte motion requesting a court order to sell my home.

Litigants and their family members  are terrorized by real crimes and silenced by “Blackmail/Extortion Orders” to illegally deprive them of exposing and reporting these crimes under color of law and are forced into litigation for courts to steal their assets, homes, and possessions:

September 1, 1999, Macomb County Circuit Court, Chief Maceroni, Partial Court Transcript:

  • Perakis: One is: Do you have any knowledge of any assets owned by Christine Morrison at this time of any kind?
  • Betty Morrison (stepmother): No
  • MACERONI: I think we did cover that, but you told me one thing that I wasn’t aware of in our discussion in chambers. You said land contract vendee interest.

September 22, 1999, Mr. McKinney (my attorney) filed a Motion for Abatement of Child Support Order (disabled 12/98), Rehearing of Orders dated September 1 and 2 in 1999:

    • The Defendant has learned that on or about September 1, 1999, that this Court entered a Judgment against Defendant without notice or an opportunity to defend in violation of her Constitutional Rights to due process of law. By a hearing on September 1, 1999, the Court further ordered the seizure of assets exceeding $100,000.00 by Plaintiff, again without notice to Defendant or opportunity to defend in violation of her Constitutional Rights to due process of law, which had the effect of excluding her from her home. Further, the Order of Lien Dated September 2, 1999, incorrectly states that Notice of Hearing has been served on both parties, when in fact (Christine) received no notice, and no proof of service is contained in this Court’s file. That the Orders entered allowing a lien, seizure, and inventory are beyond the Court’s authority and was excessive in the scope and amount of property seized and placed (Christine’s) assets at risk without an appropriate bond or other protections.
    • That on September 22, 1999, (Christine) has paid, with borrowed funds, to the Macomb County Friend of the Court, under protest and with full preservation of her appellate rights $25,846, which represented the full amount owed under the Judgment dated September 1, 1999 and included all arrearage plus two weeks of child support and all administrative Friend of the Court fees. That, as a result of these actions, (Christine) has paid the Friend of the Court account through October 11, 1999.
    • This Court’s blatant violation of the Court Rules and Ms. Morrison’s constitutional rights with its Court Orders of September 1, 1999, and execution thereon by its Order of September 2, 1999, and the Court’s impending hearing of a Motion for sale of her home, scheduled for September 23, 1999, but not served (to Christine) as of this date, September 22, 1999, establishes that this Court is biased against Christine Morrison and cannot act impartially toward her, according to MCR 2.003(A) and (8)(1).
    • WHEREFORE, Defendant prays that this Court will grant her an immediate abatement against the Court’s Ordered Child support; and FURTHER WHEREFORE, Defendant prays that this Court will grant her an immediate stay of its Order of July 14, 1999 (no bond bench warrant), for Defendant cannot be found in contempt of the Court’s Child Support Order when she has been unable to work since December 10, 1998, and this Court’s further preventing her access to her property by this Court’s Order dated September 1, 1999, and any use of her equity in that property, and by virtue of a payment in full of all currently stated arrearages and Court-ordered costs.
    • FURTHER WHEREFORE, this Court abate the Child Support Order retroactive to December 10th, 1998, the date the injury was sustained, and not allow interest on any arrearage.
    • FURTHER WHEREFORE, this Court allow the Defendant access to the real property located in the city of Fraser, Michigan, and her personal property.
    • FURTHER WHEREFORE, this Court allow a rehearing as to the Judgment Dated September 1, 1999, the Lien Order dated September 2, 1999, and the Order allowing inventory of personal property, sealing of real property, and notice dated September 1, 1999, and in fact set aside said orders for lack of notice to Defendant and mootness since all monies contained in the Judgment and Lien have been paid to the Macomb County Friend of the Court, plus expenses (Perakis attorney award fees ) incurred by Ms. Morrison approaching $2,500.
    • FURTHER WHEREFORE, this Court Judge will disqualify himself from all further actions in this case, forthwith, and the case shall be reassigned by blind draw reassignment by the Clerk’s office.

 October 11, 1999, Attorney Perakis sent a letter to my attorney, Mr. McKinney which stated:

    • My client cannot consent to an Order Returning the Condominium keys to Ms. Morrison (no money owing).

November 8, 1999, my Attorney McKinney filed a Motion for rehearing on Orders dated September 1 and 2, 1999. The Court record shows admitted judicial bias and full monetary satisfaction of September 1 and 2, 1999 court orders, but Chief Judge Maceroni rules “motion taken under advisement”:

    • McKINNEY: I have several motions up today, your Honor. I believe the first one we should address is the motion to disqualify this Court from continuing to have jurisdiction over this case. I have submitted a memorandum of the actions taken by this Court that I believe demonstrate the bias and prejudice of this Court.
    • I think the first issue is on July 14th, 1999, when this Court issued a civil bench warrant (no bond) for contempt, alleging (Christine) had failed to appear on an order to show cause because hearing scheduled for that date. The problem with that is, your Honor, that a review of the transcripts indicates at that time the attorney representing Ms. Morrison was requesting an evidentiary hearing on her ability to pay. As such, the Court should have granted an evidentiary hearing on that matter and set the matter for hearing.
    •  However, the Court indicated that it was going to rule on that, that issue and at that time coming back in the afternoon; the defendant refused to return. It is my contention that the failure to give an evidentiary hearing was evidence of the bias, the fact that you were already going to rule on the motion before allowing an evidentiary hearing on her ability to work showed bias and prejudice by the Court.
    • Additionally, the warrant was issued was for civil contempt and was made without a bond, and therefore was in violation of the laws that require on the civil contempt that the keys to the jail be in the hands of the contempt or. In this case, a bond should have been set that would have allowed her to not be placed in jail pending an ultimate hearing in this court.
    • Additionally, on September 1, this Court again allowed to be heard and entered orders against the Defendant without notice or opportunity for her to defend, which violated her constitutional rights to due process.
    • COURT: Where do you suggest that we would have sent her notice?
    • McKINNEY: I would have suggested you send it to her last known address, or at least some effort be made to serve those. It seems to me what happened, in that case, was the Court allowed a judgment to be entered without notice, it then imposed a lien on property without notice, which then placed my client’s residence, real property, in the possession of the Plaintiff—again without notice.
    • It caused her to be removed from her home, and she has now been out of her home since September 1, by the locks being changed by the Plaintiff under your court order. This was all done without any notice to, to the defendant. I have an affidavit from Ms. Frederick (Christine’s prior attorney) indicating she did not receive notice of any hearing. Also, Ms. Morrison is here.
    •  She received no notice of the hearing, and this Court proceeded to enter various orders, and what’s even more, I think, egregious in this case is that this was not even a motion that was originally or initially directed at the Defendant; it was directed at a non-party to the case, a Betty Morrison, who happens to be Ms. Morrison’s stepmother. The order that set it for hearing was an Order to Show Cause that only directed Ms. Betty Morrison be here. So, even the stepmother could not have advised her of what was going on at this hearing. Proceeding beyond that, actually allowing it, even had she been here, violated numerous and various statutes
    •  First of all, under MCLA 566.11, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act—that’s the statute under which the motion was brought—requires to obtain jurisdiction of all necessary parties including whoever the person who allegedly received the transfer along with the transferee, and that she’s also entitled to a jury trial on the issue of the fraudulent transfer. That is because when you are trying a title for fraudulent conveyance under MCLA 600.6131, the issue of fraudulent intent is a question of fact, and that question of fact is for the jury. It is not a question of law; therefore, in an action to try title, an action to declare an act of fraudulent conveyance, we have a right to a jury trial, number one, and number two, it is not to be handled in a summary proceeding by the issuance of a Show Cause order on someone who is not even party to the litigation.
    • Next, I believe, the Plaintiff had cited MCLA 552.625 as support for issuing a lien on the support of the Defendant in this case, specifically her house. That statute specifically requires that it can only be entered after notice to the payer and an opportunity for a hearing. This Court, number one, didn’t require notice to the defendant, and number two, issued relief without the opportunity for a hearing, again, I believe, demonstrating bias and prejudice of the Court.
    •  Additionally, the Court violated Michigan law by imposing a lien upon the property. Under MCLA 552.27, the lien can only be imposed as a part of the Judgment of Divorce.  In this case, there was no Judgment of Divorce. Under Wells v. Wells, 144 Michigan Appeal 722, the Court has no authority at that point under 552.27 to issue a lien on the property unless that right is reserved in the initial Judgment of Divorce , and it is not in this case. More specifically, the Defendant’s property, including many items of personal nature, are exempt from execution under MCLA 600.6023. The Court allowed, in effect, the Plaintiff, prior to the finalization of the Judgment, have possession of all the items of property that are exempt from execution contained in her home, including pictures and so forth. I’ve cited the statute and provided all the things that are exempt from execution. Another thing is this Court allowed him to have possession of it.
    • Now, let’s back up. The amount of the arrearage that was alleged at the time was in the neighborhood of $25,000. This condominium is worth approximately $70,000. There is an additional $20,000–$30,000 worth of personal property contained in that condominium.
    • This Court allowed the Plaintiff, without any opportunity for the Defendant to appear or have any notice of the hearing, to seize those assets, and he’s now maintained those assets without bond, without any protection for or anything that would rightfully belong to the Defendant, and allowed him to have those since September 1, and have done nothing to return the property to the Defendant.
    •  By the way, we have requested it, and Mr. Perakis wrote me a letter that I received on Friday, indicating they will return the condominium that she’s been dispossessed of since September 1, by virtue of this Court’s order. Further, the statements made in open court by this Court also indicate that you have some prejudice against the defendant. Specifically, when I appeared here on September 23, this Court indicated, despite my filing of motions, that it would not hear any motions presented by me on her behalf until she appeared before you.
    •  Additionally, your Honor, on the issue of the Show Cause hearing, I have now requested an evidentiary hearing, and this Court has granted. This Court, when we appeared on October 7, conducted a hearing and proceeded to find my client in contempt prior to any evidentiary hearing, and therefore, it appears that any hearing on the issue of contempt has already been decided by this Court and would show that you have predecided the case, prior to any evidence being submitted. I presume the evidentiary hearing is going to establish that my client has not had the opportunity to work since December 10, 1998; therefore, she has no income.
    •  She also has medical restrictions that make her unable to continue her career, and therefore, to earn the type of income that she had prior. I believe we will also have evidence presented that she has, in fact, paid all child support arrearages; therefore, there is no reason for contempt proceedings to continue. On the issue of a motion to disqualify you.
    • COURT: I would assume you want me to answer that issue before I rule on any more motions, right?
    • McKINNEY: That’s correct.
    • COURT: Okay. Counsel?
    • PERAKIS: Your Honor, you know, with regard to your motion or his motion to disqualify you, this case has been up on appeal to the Court of Appeals in fact to disqualify you. When that issue was, was decided by Judge Nowicki, there was an appeal taken to the Court of Appeals in May of 1999. That appeal was dismissed. The application for leave to appeal was dismissed. That for leave to appeal by Ms. Morrison also included this issue of disability. That was once again dismissed by application, on the application for leave to appeal. Many of these issues you’ve been, had been before you on at least three or four occasions, you have made decisions in the past, and your Honor, what’s very ironic about this case and what Ms. Morrison has continued to do is abuse this court system, as I believe this Court is well aware.
    • MACERONI: What’s disturbing to me is that if any bias was shown it was toward Ms. Morrison, especially when she was unrepresented by counsel. Motion to disqualify me is denied.
    • McKINNEY: I have an order, your Honor.
    • COURT: Counsel, as you well know, in my capacity as Chief Judge, you have every right to appeal this, but the Supreme Court Administrator’s office must assign someone other than one of my colleagues. Now, if you want to exercise your right, you go right ahead. If not, if you want me to rule on the other motions, I will.
    • McKINNEY: No, your Honor. I do have additional motions, your Honor. Specifically, I have a motion for relief from the judgments that were entered on or about September 1, 1999, in this case. As I stated earlier, I believe that all of those orders were done without notice or opportunity to defend by Ms. Morrison, and in fact, since that time, although the Plaintiff still has possession of the property, the Judgment that underlines the presumed reason for giving him possession has been satisfied and there is no legal or factual basis upon which he should, number one, continue to maintain possession, and number two, continue to maintain a lien issued pursuant to a Judgment that has been satisfied in full.
    • Additionally, as I indicated earlier, I believe that the orders were improperly obtained without notice or opportunity and in fact, violated numerous statutes and my client’s constitutional rights. Therefore, I’d ask that the judgments entered on September 1, which include the Judgment for back child support be set aside and vacated, the lien order also vacated, and the Plaintiff be ordered to return possession of the property to the defendant. It is my understanding that there’s also a videotape recording, at least from Mr. Perakis, of the items of personal property that were contained in the premises at the time (Mr. Hannaford) took over. I would like a copy of that videotape, so we can confirm what was there at the time he took over and what might be there when we retake possession. I would also like to have keys since he’s apparently changed the locks.
    • COURT: Mr. Perakis, what are you suggesting to the Court?
    • PERAKIS: What I’m asking, your Honor, is this: Is that if we were to take a look at what the future child support is, place a lien on the condominium to the full extent of its value, and allow that issue to be dealt with at a later date, so long as child support is current. If child support is current, the lien will be reduced as to each payment the child support occurs, and at the point that child support is paid-in-full, the lien will be released.
    • COURT: Response to that?
    • McKINNEY: Well, your Honor, there is no statutory requirement or authority to determine what “future child support” might be and impose a lien based upon what future child support might be. As of today, there is a zero balance on the Friend of the Court obligation here.
    • What he’s asking you to do is to determine what this child support is going to be for the next eight years, impose a lien on the property to that extent. There is no basis for that in law. Bottom line here is this property, and beyond that (Christine) still, is being denied her property. It is one thing to impose a lien; it is another to lock the doors and keep her out, so she’s required to live on the streets. This is what the Court did by its order of September 1.
    • COURT: On a piece of property that she didn’t even own, she deeded it to somebody else. I’m going to take the motion under advisement in connection with the lien, stand by your letter, return the premises to Ms. Morrison. What is your next motion?
    • McKINNEY: My next motion is to abate de novo child support order and other relief. Your Honor, we had this hearing in front of the Friend of the Court, and my client and I have a doctor’s letter, a doctor’s affidavit, and deposition testimony indicating that she’s been disabled.
    • COURT: I’ll give you an evidentiary hearing (Order granted 12/28/99 heard November 7, 2001).
    • McKINNEY: Thank you, your Honor. And my final motion is a motion to quash the evidentiary hearing on the bench warrant. I have submitted a brief on the issue of the contempt hearing indicating that since this is civil contempt and since if the Court is attempting to punish the Defendant for past action, the past action of “not returning for an afternoon hearing,” which appears to be what the Court is considering, that is not civil contempt, but rather criminal case or contempt. She’s not been charged with a criminal case, and there is no basis for this Court to continue with a civil contempt hearing when in fact, the underlying offense of the payment of child support has in fact been remedied by full payment.
    •  Also, the issue was addressed by this Court when we appeared on October 7 was the issue of Mr. Perakis’s fees. The Court had not set aside the September 1 order when this Court awarded him $2,165 in attorney fees, which have been paid. Mr. Perakis represented on the record those were the fees he incurred to collect the child support; therefore, it does not appear that even sanctioning her in terms of awarding additional attorney fees is appropriate, and therefore, the whole bench warrant issue and the evidentiary hearing should be quashed and dismissed. The bench warrant should be withdrawn.

Nine weeks later, my home was returned, but thousands of dollars in personal property were missing. The condo association placed a lien on the title due to non-payment of the association fees for nine weeks that I later had to pay. However, on November 18, 1999, a demand letter was sent to Mr. Perakis for the videotape inventory along with the return of missing property. Mr. Perakis did not respond. It was not until July 3, 2003, Hannaford released the unlawful lien clouding the title.  PREDICTABLY, October 31, 2001, in a response letter by Michigan Attorney General, Jennifer Granholm to a grievance from my attorney about judicial misconduct, she wrote: “court decisions can only be reviewed or altered by appealing the decision to a higher court.”  In fact, multiple claims of appeals were dismissed (April 9, 1999, January 18, 2000, April 24, 2000, September 14, 2000, December 7, 2000, February 20, 2001, September 4, 2001, February 10, 2009) for clear, obvious, egregious errors in the law (Remand order 6-30-00 on an ex-parte motion that caused parental alienation), and TWO MOTIONS REMAIN, “TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT”. 

An order that exceeds the jurisdiction of the court is void,and can be attacked in any proceeding in any court where the validity of the judgment comes into issue. (See Rose v. Himely (1808) 4 Cranch 241, 2 L ed 608; Pennoyer v. Neff (1877) 95 US 714, 24 L ed 565; Thompson v. Whitman (1873) 18 Wall 457, 21 l ED 897; Windsor v. McVeigh (1876) 93 US 274, 23 L ed 914; McDonald v. Mabee (1917) 43 US 90, 37 Sct 343, 61 L ed 608. "If a court grants relief, which under the circumstances it hasn't any authority to grant, its judgment is to that extent void." (1 Freeman on Judgments, 120c.) "A void judgment is no judgment at all and is without legal effect." (Jordon v. Gilligan, 500 F.2d 701, 710 (6th Cir. 1974) "a court must vacate any judgment entered in excess of its jurisdiction." (Lubben v. Selective Service System Local Bd. No. 27, 453 F.2d 645 (1st Cir. 1972).
August 22, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial Aiello:

PERAKIS (drafted one-sided settlement): Because Mr. Aiello has made prior errors, which precluded her from having visitation with her daughter...She couldn’t be with her daughter, that’s it exactly.

Parents have an undisputed right to direct the upbringing and education of their children (Troxel v. Granville, 530 U.S. 57 (2000) (domestic relations proceedings constitute state intervention that is so disruptive of the parent-child relationship that it triggers constitutional implications). According to Professor Dwyer, “the reason parent-child relationships exist is because the state confers legal parenthood…” ‘Non-custodial’ parents are criminalized – falsely arrested, silenced, looted of their assets, homes, possessions, and life savings for “parental rights.”  Supporting the United States Supreme Court case (No. 15–754), On Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Michigan Supreme Court, a Brief of Amici Curiae was filed on January 25, 2016, by attorney Patricia Barry for the outcome of the Adkins v. Adkins case, “because ex-parte proceedings are often used to deprive Mothers of custody in violation of their due process and equal protection rights” such as, in Macomb County Circuit Court, Chief Judge Maceroni:

June 4, 1999: Attorney Perakis filed an Ex-Parte Motion to Suspend and/or Restrict my Parenting Time.

June 14, 1999: The motion was heard in court, but I was not present due to lack of notice. The document was not served, and no proof of service was provided to me or my attorney.

June 15, 1999: I filed a motion to disqualify Chief Judge Maceroni.

June 17, 1999: My attorney filed objections to the FOC report:

    • Defendant’s attorney further requests this hearing due to lack of notice and opportunity to defend Defendant during Plaintiff’s Motion to Suspend and/or Restrict Defendant’s Summer Parenting Time with Minor Child. Plaintiff’s counsel did not contact Defendant’s attorney to advise her that he was bringing this motion and failed to serve this motion upon her prior to hearing of this motion pursuit to Michigan Court Rules.

June 21, 1999: Chief Judge Maceroni signed an order in accordance with the FOC recommendation, despite timely objections. Appeal filed, in a remand order June 30, 2000, the higher court rules:

    • The case be REMANDED to the circuit court (parental alienator/Maceroni) for a de novo hearing on the matter of Christine’s summer parenting time.

This June 4, 1999, motion impaired my ability to see my daughter for more than two years. A full summer and an additional one and half years were lost as a direct consequence, causing my child to feel abandoned by me. My ex-husband, the lawyers, and the Court did nothing to discount such a terrible impression and instead fueled it with further abuses for both me and my daughter. The parent-child relationship is not occurring in the Michigan Family Court system.  Parenting time interference is contempt of court and is punishable.

July 14, 1999: Chief Judge Maceroni: NO BOND BENCH WARRANT

October 11, 1999: Attorney Perakis letter to my attorney, Mr. McKinney:

    • My client is unwilling to allow visitation.

December 3, 1999: My attorney, Mr. McKinney’s letter to the FOC:

Take this letter as an additional request for a Show Cause against Plaintiff for his continual refusal of the minor child’s visitation with Defendant. Your office seems more intent upon forcing child support out of a documented disabled person (12/1998), demonstrating what appears clear bias in favor of the Plaintiff. For your review and consideration, I attach a copy of two additional letters from Dr. Miller that has been confirmed under oath. It seems incredible to me that the Friend of the Court and Judge Maceroni have failed to consider her disabled or at the very least her capacity to earn wages decreased.

October 30, 2000: Chief Judge Maceroni,  Macomb County Circuit Court: Motion to Conform the Judgment of Divorce to the Consent Agreement Placed on the Court Record June 3, 1997, rules “motion taken under advisement.”  October 24, 2000: Attorney Perakis response to the motion:

    • The liberal parenting time was not part of the record (it was). Even assuming a mistake was made, which Plaintiff does not believe happened, the Court rule cited above-required defendant to file a Motion within one year of the Judgment. This motion is brought over three years after the Judgment of Default was entered. The relief requested is not available at this late date. Plaintiff does not concur in the relief sought by Defendant in this matter.
Jeffrey D. Moffatt, Esq. filed a Michigan case: In The Supreme Court of the United States@

Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705, 35 L.Ed.2d 147 (1973), established that the ability to have or not have a child is a fundamental right, and protected under the continuum of liberty. Equally protected is the fundamental right to be a family, and this is also a continuum of liberty. The twilight zone questions become:

1. How do Family Law Court systems throughout the United States and specifically the Family Law Court of Michigan come to be the only courts that are exempt from various provisions of the continuum of liberty, as well as significant portions of the United States Federal Constitution?
2. Whether Family Law Court systems throughout the United States and specifically the Family Law Court of Michigan have the unfettered right to cause disparate treatment, by failing to uphold United States Federal Constitutional laws, prescribed within Roe v. Wade, applicable to the Fourteenth Amendment?

Adkins Case #15-754:  "This unconstitutional parental intrusion by Family Courts in this country is (has) causing financial ruin and emotional distress for “post-judgment” parents and children that ultimately have a negative effect on the government fiscal and administrative interest (Ultimate FACT #2 TITLE IV-D/ FEDERAL INCENTIVE PAYMENTS). The problem is that the U.S. Family Court system can act as a black hole where the presumption of innocence is a fairy tale, make-believe laws rule the land and successful appeals are a unicorn, creating a safe haven for “unfriendly” parents and Family Court dictators to reap material wealth and any unfortunate family that enters its boundaries risks finding themselves at a point of no return until the children age out of the system".  Only in the Family Law Court systems throughout the United States and specifically the Family Law Court of Michigan (hereafter, Family Court), do litigants walk into the courthouse and enter a time warp that takes them back more than 200 years ago when the Constitution did not exist. Rather than serving litigants by protecting their rights and interpreting the law, as charged by the Constitution, Family Court acts as a dictatorship with goals and objectives of its own, often in conflict with parents’ and children’s rights. Family Court has all the power and when their power and our rights conflict, we lose, which is repugnant to the Constitution. “We the People” created the government to serve us, not the other way around. If you observe Family Court today, it would be difficult for an outsider to determine that “We the People” don’t exist to serve Family Court. The culture of Family Court has become so relaxed that written laws aren’t followed and procedural due process requirements are ignored, so the parens patriae summary mode of decision making from a century ago is alive and well allowing Family Court to, on a whim, outright destroy the unfortunate unfree souls of “post-judgment” parents and children. With no safety (“substitute procedural safeguards,” Matthews v. Eldridge, 424 U.S. 319, 335 (1976)) and no liberty (familial rights free from government intrusion), many “post-judgment” parents and children of today are found to be receiving the same injustice as the slaves living in the same land as the Founders of the Constitution. Slaves were not only denied liberty, their enslavement certainly gave them no reason to feel secure and so the continuum of liberty did not apply to them. The Founders erected boundaries to limit liberty to those of their own kind in order to reap material wealth from others (slaves) deserving neither liberty nor security. In the current landscape of Family Court, the judicial system has erected boundaries to oppress “post-judgment” parents and children in order for those in the legal community, service providers, and adverse parties to reap material wealth.
As Cole Stuart J.D. was - a parent, lawyer, legal activist, a former partner at a large international law firm, and a tireless family court reformer stated, "it’s time to recognize Family Court for what it is—a corporate crime ring raiding parents and children of financial and psychological well-being and devouring our children’s futures.  And it's not just divorce lawyers—its judges, "judicial administrators" psychologists, cops, and prosecutors—people we should be able to trust—in a modern-day criminal cabal using county courtrooms and sheriff’s deputies as the machinery of organized crime. Federal racketeering lawsuitccfc-v-sdcba-first-amended-complaint.pdf ( against family court judges, charge criminal extortion, bribery, abuse of office. Stuart alleges that divorce lawyers illegally conspire with judges to steal from parents as part of a racketeering criminal enterprise- and brings over 30 claims of federally-indictable crime. Civil rights violations, fraud, and obstruction of justice are federal crimes-even for judges". The New Mafia - A Family Court Crime Family: Family Court Racketeering 101 Video - Bing video     

"The abuses of parents and children by Family Courts, social workers, and family law attorneys have harmed children and parents for far too long. Family court is designed by makers to be probably the most dangerous life event parents and children can endure. And behind the curtain of this machine of misery we’ve uncovered its cause-the multi-billion-dollar divorce industry, populated by judges, attorneys, and a machinery of tax-dollar fed “judicial administrators,” social workers that George Orwell would marvel at.
We’ve been delivering that message kindly for years now, yet the tide keeps rising on families in crisis. We’ve appealed to the county courts, state and local politicians, state judicial oversight bodies, United States Representatives, and just plain old human dignity, but the harassment and abuse of parents and children has only increased. Since 'state officials’ hands are too deep into the cookie jar to stop their own abuse, we’re seeking the assistance of federal oversight. A resort to federal court intervention in the widespread criminal collusion in state government was the next logical step.
Republicans on House Judiciary alarmed over new DOJ domestic terror office, targeting school parents | CauseACTION Clarion

New study finds Trump's border separations rose to level of torture “In the cases reviewed, it is apparent that U.S. officials intentionally carried out actions causing severe pain and suffering in order to punish and intimidate...

FRCP 60(b) 1-6, Immunity does not exist to States that accept federal money, nor does immunity exist with violations of the Fourteenth Amendment, and ADA. Disabled persons are a class protected under International and Federal Laws, including the International Conventions for the Protection of Disabled persons and Americans with Disability Act:

January 4, 1999, CM letter to the “Friend of the Court,” Susan Thorman Esq., Judicial Service Officer:

    • I am off work indefinitely per Doctor Miller’s order. [  . . .  ] I have been continually denied due process and at every turn had acts of nonfeasance inflicted upon me. It has been over three-and-a-half years without full  (financial) disclosure, evidentiary hearings, discovery, or unanswered interrogatories so a fair, proper and equitable evidentiary hearing, with all the facts and full disclosure, may be conducted. Friend of the court personnel have repeatedly refused and failed to perform their clear legal duties in ensuring that all parties receive an equal application of the law and follow the clear guidelines in making their determinations.
    • The Friend of the Court Act, 552.517a. Sec. 17a:  The office (Friend of the Court) shall make available to payer’s form motions, responses, and orders for use by the payer in requesting the court to modify his or her child support order, or in responding to a motion for support modification without the assistance of legal counsel. The office shall make available instructions on preparing and filing the forms, instructions on service of process, and instructions on scheduling a support modification hearing.

January 4, 1999: Friend of the Court, Susan Thorman, Esq., Judicial Service Officer, responded immediately by issuing:

    • Petition and Order to Show Cause for Contempt (Child Support), scheduled January 19, 1999, in Judge Maceroni’s court.

January 19, 1999: (Judge #2) Chief Judge Maceroni, Court Transcript:

    • PERAKIS: We would ask you if, if jail is necessary, put her in jail. [  . . .  ] She’s playing the game hoping that she would eventually be able to have a good excuse to not work.
    • CHRISTINE: Objection. I have doctor’s documentation.

Judge Maceroni Court Order After Show Cause Hearing for Nonpayment of Support:

    • Defendant to pay $1,343 on or before 1/29/99 and remaining child support balance on or before 2/26/99 or serve 30 days in Macomb County jail.
    • Defendant responsible for medical bills assessed to account as of today, one-year submission rule required by FOC is abated. Defendant’s portion is 50%.

May 3, 1999: Chief Judge Maceroni Court Transcript:

    • CHRISTINE: Okay, on the 4th of January (1999), I gave the Friend of the Court a letter, and on (paragraph) number 13, it said that I had a doctor’s letter, and I was indefinitely off work. Would you like to see that?
    • MACERONI: This is your letter?
    • CHRISTINE: To the Friend of the Court.
    • MACERONI: To the Friend of the Court. All right. I’ll agree that paragraph 13 states, Further, defendant is off work indefinitely by Dr. Miller’s order.
    • CHRISTINE: And the second to the last page, there should be Dr. Miller’s—
    • MACERONI: I have that already. I have a disability certificate dated January 26 of ‘99.

May 12, 1999: Christine letter to the Friend of the Court, (no response)Notice and presentation of substantiated evidence in support of defendant’s disability with a request to process disability and modify child support.

 July 14, 1999: Chief Judge Maceroni, NO BOND BENCH WARRANT:  

    • MACERONI: For the record, that is for contempt of court, so there will be no bond that will be set. She will be arrested and brought to this court forthwith.

July 17, 1999: Friend of the Court, Susan Thorman, Esq., Judicial Service Officer:

    • Dear Judge Maceroni:  On May 11, 1999, I had a show cause in front of you regarding the nonpayment of support on this file. [  . . .  ] You indicated, on the record, on May 11, 1999, that if the woman was wrong regarding her objections (12/98 disability), she would be going to jail. [  . . .  ] You have decided twice that her claim of disability is false or fraudulent because we were receiving Income Withholding payments (paycheck shows sick/vacation time paid to FOC) during the same time that she claimed disability.[ . . .  ] Also, the doctor’s statements that she provided were not adequate.

February 4, 2000: FOC Susan Thorman, Esq., Judicial Service Officer:

    • My response to the two issues you pose: our office cannot enforce visitation rights [. . . ] and no administrative adjustment on the support account will be forthcoming based upon your client’s disability.

October 5, 2000: Friend of the Court, Susan Thorman, Esq., Judicial Service Office:

As I discussed with Mr. McKinney (my attorney), the Friend of the Court has a procedure for temporarily reducing support, which is afforded an individual upon their request and proof and which would not require them to file a motion for reduction. The specific requirements are a doctor’s statement with specific time periods and a specific medical diagnosis. On May 11, 1999, Judge Maceroni found that the disability certificate dated January 26, 1999, which stated that Ms. Morrison was off work “indefinitely” and secondly, the letter from Dr. Miller dated January 14, 1999, stated she would be off indefinitely “due to a specific medical problem requiring this type of advice” was not sufficient.


A successful attorney malpractice action by me against my attorney (Christopher Aiello) was improperly reversed on appeal, proving that lawyer misconduct is protected by higher courts in domestic relations and other cases. My attorney, Mr. Aiello, committed attorney malpractice by allowing an original and two amendments of the “Consent Judgment of Annulment” to be entered without client consent and when it was non-conforming to the settlement agreement placed on the divorce court’s record under oath, June 3, 1997, and the record is replete with financial discovery Mr. Aiello should have achieved in Macomb County Circuit Court. I incurred $100,000 in legal fees and costs due to having to have counsel try to fix the errors created by Mr. Aiello. My trial costs exceeded $220,000, and the state appellate courts improperly reversed the attorney malpractice trial. Attorney Aiello then unlawfully collected and liquidated ($38,813.19 and $41,803.70= $80,616.89) in my individual retirement accounts (IRA) for taxed trial costs, in violation of holdings in the 2005 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Rousey v. Jacoway, and Florida retirement statute exemptions 222.14 and 221.21.


August 17, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, lawyer malpractice proceedings the cross-examination by Aiello’s own attorney, Mr. Geyer:

    • GEYER: Your Honor, for the purpose of speeding things up, I’ll stipulate that the clients did not sign either amendment.
    • COURT: Okay.
    • HENRY: Or the original.
    • GEYER: Or the original.
    • HENRY: Thank you, I’ll accept the stipulation, then.

August 20, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial (Aiello):

    • McKINNEY: Did your client rely on your professional judgment when you’re presenting her case?
    • AIELLO: No.

August 24, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial (Aiello):

    • McKINNEY: What did you do? You were presented with a problem as an attorney.
    • AIELLO: Bailed out of the case.
    • McKINNEY: How long have you been a lawyer?
    • AIELLO: Probably too long.
    • McKINNEY: You’re suggesting you got unsigned copies (financials) and you did nothing about it?
    • AIELLO: I was fired. I was gone one month later. I was done. I was out of the case. Thank God. I got out of the case.

(b) PARENTAL ALIENATION: August 22, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial Aiello:

    • PERAKIS (drafted one-sided settlement): Because Mr. Aiello has made prior errors, which precluded her from having visitation with her daughter… She couldn’t be with her daughter, that’s it exactly.


1994–1997: Financial Trial Exhibit Z: Financial Trial Exhibit Z: Analysis and Financial Summary of Bill’s Suburban, Inc., (Edward M. Hannaford): John F. Dery, CPA, CFE, CIRA the accounting firm specializing in litigation and forensic accounting, provided Hannaford’s business analysis and financial summary for the base years of 1994–1997, with findings of a net profit of $2,023,999 on adjusted gross receipts from Hannaford’s corporate federal tax returns.

1988–1996: Hannaford Trial Exhibit DD: Macomb County Circuit Court, Case # 88-4945-DM, Divorce Stipulation:  Hannaford paid his first wife $1,600 per month: $150 per week in child support and $1,000 per month in a property settlement.

APRIL 15, 1992: My filing with the Friend of the Court, “Complaint about Child Support and Restitution” (against Hannaford): Macomb County Friend of the Court awarded Christine during a brief separation, $58 per week in child support (per child support guidelines?).   August 24, 2001: Judge Templin, Oakland County Circuit Court, Lawyer Malpractice Trial (Aiello):

    • HENRY: I am handing you what is marked as proposed Exhibit KK (1993: 1120 U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return $253,725), and ask if you can identify this document, yes or no.
    • HANNAFORD: 1993? I thought this was limited.
    • HENRY: It’s not.

1994: Hannaford Financial Trial Exhibits:

    • Trial Exhibit X: 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return: $17,350: Friend of the Court File.
    • Trial Exhibit Y: 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Reported to IRS: $42,350.
    • Trial Exhibit KK: 1120-U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return Reported to IRS: $253,725.

1995: Hannaford Financial Trial Exhibits:

    • Trial Exhibit II: W-2 Wage and Tax Return: $24,800: Friend of the Court file.
    • Trial Exhibit LL: 1120 -U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return Reported to IRS: $297,777.

1996: Hannaford Financial Trial Exhibits:

    • January 3, 1996: Friend of the Court Final Recommendation, by Lori Swidorski, Support Investigator: “Said investigation would indicate that Hannaford’s weekly income amounts to $404.66.”
    • 1040 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return: $24,800: Friend of the Court file.
    • Trial Exhibit NN: 1120 -U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return: $327,717.

1997: Hannaford Financial Trial Exhibits:

    • Trial Exhibit JJ: W-2 Wage and Tax Statement: $42,126.
    • Trial Exhibit: 1120 -U.S. Corporate Short-Form Income Tax Return: $343,588.


    • June 16, 2004: Bench Warrant for failure to appear at creditors examination, this Court ordered: The arrest of Defendant, Christine Morrison with a cash bond in the amount of $36,000 shall be posted for her release.
    • November 21, 2005: Order to Set Aside Bench Warrant: Judgment against Christine Morrison has been paid in full including costs and interest.
JANUARY 13, 2011: CALIFORNIA LEGALIZED ATTORNEY MALPRACTICE, in the Supreme Court decision, Cassel v. Superior Court.  Professor Richard Zitrin of UC Hastings has written:( The Cassel case leads to an absurd result-one that allows lawyers to be sloppy, negligent, and incompetent without cost to them, and even worse, to cheat their clients with impunity.


Fact # 1: After being prosecuted for attempted murder (shooting his uncle several times in broad daylight …), Hannaford was acquitted (book p. 48).  Fact #2:  On or about 2004- 2005, I (and passenger) was chased on roads in Macomb County by a black SUV/dark windows, assume for the above Judge Mester bench warrant -cash bond of $36,000 for failure to appear at creditors exam (Aiello/attorney malpractice trial/NO CONSENT SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT).  Fact #3:  On or about 2008, neighbors noticed an unknown male parked in a car down my street.  I assume it was a process server (November 18, 2008, Judge Yokich) who came to my address and was told I was not there. He left and went to the neighbor’s house asking for my whereabouts, pulling a gun at the neighbor.


Do all U.S. Government branches conspire, collude, aid, abet, and cover up their atrocities against Americans to strip them of unalienable human rights to financially profit, gain self-serving political/other advantage, and silence dissention and exposure of Crimes against Humanity and barbaric Human Rights Atrocities?

(#1)  Rep Stone +Michigan Democratic State Representative Stone read my book and responded on November 19, 2019: "With that all said, it is still well documented that either recourse is an uphill, and sometimes impossible, battle for a person when looking for judicial recourse and is in need of reform".
August 23, 2020: Via e-mail only: To Democratic State Representative Stone, Senator McMorrow, Congressman Andy Levin (LinkedIn): ACTION REQUESTED:    My book clearly documents the State entered three non-consented to judgments that I want void ab initio-VACATED.
(#2)---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: The Office of Senator Runestad <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: U.S. Congress taskforce/RESPONSE REQUEST
To: Chris M <@gmail

Thank you for your email. 
As your state senator serving you at your state capitol I am not involved with legislation at the federal level. 
However, I will review what you sent. Please let me know if you have specific recommendations.

Yours Respectfully,

Senator Jim Runestad
“Serving the 15th State Senate District”
[email protected]

From: Chris M <[email protected]> 
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 4:02 PM
To: The Office of Senator Runestad <[email protected]>
Subject: U.S. Congress taskforce/RESPONSE REQUEST

Dear Senator Runestead,

 (Present) Places to the U.S. Congress for oversight/taskforce
Ms. Morrison

(#3) June 4, 2021: AG DANA NESSEL 2021 Many of the concerns you express are the result of state legislation. The Attorney General cannot change these laws. Rather, the Attorney General is dutybound to enforce the laws that have been enacted by the Legislature. Therefore, I suggest you contact your state representative or senator… 

2/4/22:,4534,7-359-92297_99936-576947–,00.html “When public officials fail to conduct themselves in accordance with the laws of our state (MI), we must take swift action to restore the public’s confidence,” Nessel said. No one is above the law…

(#4) 6 23 21 21 SENATOR PETERS    The role of law enforcement and government officials is to keep our state safe and serve the families they are sworn to protect.

(#5) 6 28 21 SENATOR PETERS RE: Legislation/Zoom meeting. Request to immediately void ab initio/vacate no consent judgments. Response request to February/March 2021, e-mail to Senators/Representatives. Referral to the Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney.  Referral to testify before the House Judiciary Committee

(#6) February/March 2021: Via e-mail   RE: (1) REQUEST to Michigan Senators/Representatives to sponsor legislation: Michigan Retroactive Legal System Accountability Act. (2) Investigate Michigan Family Court Fraud, Civil Rights Violations, Obstruction of Justice documented in my book summarized RESPONSE REQUEST FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION 

Dear Michigan Senators/Representatives: (Senators): Bumstead, Barrett, Bizon, Hollier, Horn, Irwin, Johnson, LaSata, Lauwers, MacDonald, McBroom, McCann, Moss, Nesbitt, Polehanki, Outman, Runestad, Santana, Schmidt, Stamas, Theis, Victory (Representatives): Albert, Alexander, Johnson) (Senator Peters/Stabenow/Levin were sent e-mails)

I have reported and sought help for harm caused by Michigan court officers acts of misconduct. I believe the solution to this problem rests with the Michigan leadership for directives for prosecution of violations of law in Michigan courts of law. How can society avoid consequences of “positive law of the land” violations summarized @ One can assume only through legislation to end judicial/court officer impunity. These unprosecuted criminal violations of civil, constitutional, and/or human rights have allowed Michigan’s legal system to be abused and weaponized with impunity. Examples of criminal acts that can lead to the criminal case which are not being lawfully investigated, let alone prosecuted, are described in 18 U.S.C. Section 241 [Conspiracy against Rights]; 18 U.S.C Section 242 [Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law]; and 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 [Intangible Right to Honest Services]. Especially concerning is the role of such crimes in violations of U.S. human rights treaties. I am a victim of legal system abuse and understand what lawmakers are up against. Suggested recommendations for investigation:

  1. The State of Michigan should create a task force to conduct appropriate state legislative hearings as well as criminal case investigations to fairly and impartially confirm the extent of Michigan legal system abuse facilitated by unchecked judicial/court officer misconduct;
  2. Arrange for appropriate relief first and foremost, void ab initio judgments dated August 19, 1997, September 2, 1997, and September 8, 1997, for no consent.  Include reparations all lawful relief (positive law) without regard for otherwise applicable statutes of limitations or similar tolling/limiting provision (ineffective avenues of redress and relief for the role of judges/court officers), to prevent recurrence in addition to bringing all responsible parties to justice for the harm caused by Michigan court officer acts of misconduct;
  3.  Review Title IV-D federal incentive funding for Michigan’s child support enforcement agency/program for false claims of compliance with federal civil rights laws and the United States Constitution (the United States OCSE conducts an audit of each state’s program at least every three years) such as;
  •  February 10, 2009: Michigan Supreme Court Appeal #138219   Dismissed.
  • August 21, 2001, Oakland County Circuit Court, Attorney Malpractice Trial: Suppression of financial material evidence:(1) Financial Trial Exhibit Z (book p.34, 82-83) or (2) Fact #6 @;
  • 4. Since “(t)he most important obligation of the United States government under the Constitution is to protect its citizens’ unalienable rights, which it accomplishes by giving expression to those rights in the positive law of the land”, I request my Michigan Representatives present my book JUDICIAL CRIMINALS: The greatest Fraud Upon American Society – America’s Legal System  summarized to the U.S. Congress to hear citizen testimony to create a task force (judicial/court officer reform); and
  • 5. Lastly, positive law can change according to changing norms in society, now begs my request: legislators to create a Michigan retroactive legal system accountability act for judges/court officers.
(1) November 2019/February 2021 RESPONSE REQUEST

Dear Congressman Levin;

I am requesting an EMAIL response for (1) November 2019, (2) February 17, 2021 (3) legislation for Michigan Legal System Accountability Act.

Truly, Ms. Morrison

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris M <>
Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Congressman Andy Levin-Response/ACTION Request
To: <[email protected]>

RE: U.S. Congress Taskforce/Testimony/Reparations/LEGAL SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY ACT

Dear Congressman Levin,

1. I hand-delivered my book to your office in November 2019 that is summarized @
2. Written inside the book was my request to you for a presentation to the U.S. Congress for oversight/task force/reparations.
(a) Presentation to the U.S Congress for oversight/task force. 
(b) Presentation to ALL Michigan legislators-lawmakers for a LEGAL SYSTEM ACCOUNTABILITY ACT

Victim of Legal System Abuse,
Ms. Morrison
(#8) On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 2:08 PM  
From Chris M <> 
To: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Joel,

March 29, 2021, at the community engagement Callie was given my book "Judicial Criminals" for Congressman Gaetz. I spoke with Karen in Congressman Jordan's office requesting Congressman Gaetz and Congressman Jordan present my book for my testimony to Congress for intervention. Please advise. I look forward to hearing from your office. Thank you.

Ms. Morrison

From: Chris M
To: [email protected]
Date: April 19, 2021

    (2) Letter request: U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) and House Judiciary Ranking Member Jim Jordan (OH-04) led a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, requesting that the House Judiciary Committee convene a hearing to review and examine the plight of Americans trapped unjustly in conservatorships.

Dear Congressman Gaetz,

(1) April 19, 2021, I spoke with Dee Dee in Congressman Jordan's office requesting:
(a) Congressman Gaetz and Jordan led a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, requesting that the House Judiciary Committee convene a hearing to review and examine Family Court Abuses as documented @
(b) I want to provide oral testimony to the House Judiciary Committee/Congress.
(c) Response request via email, PLEASE.

Best, Ms. Morrison
(#9) From: Chris Morrison <> 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 3:48 PM 
To: Phoenix, Candyce <[email protected]> 
Subject: Citizen Request/House Committee on Oversight and Reform 

RE: Congressional Oversight Hearings/ RESPONSE REQUEST PLEASE 

Dear House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Ms. Phoenix,
On behalf of civil society and in the public interest this is an appeal to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform to conduct Congressional oversight hearings with citizen testimony into America’s broken legal system summarized @ (1) and (2) Vol. II: Exposing Judicial Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing and Advocating Judicial Reform ( Please forward this request to the office of Rep. Nadler and all appropriate agencies. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. 

Respectfully, Ms. Morrison 

From: Phoenix, Candyce 
Sent: Thursday, June 10,2021 3:32 PM 
To: Chris Morrison 
Subject: RE: Citizen Request/House Committee on Oversight and Reform 

Hello, Ms. Morrison,
I am confirming receipt. Thank you for sharing this with us. We will take it under advisement.

(#10) July 15, 2021:  Sen Peters RE: Testimony to U.S Congress, Family Court Fraud, Civil Rights Violations, Obstruction of Justice

(#11)) October 5, 2021: “Virtual Town Hall with Congressman Andy Levin” Question/ Answer:

QUESTION: Position on Michigan “state members” in Family Courts illegally stealing assets, homes, possessions? I gave you my book in 2019, asking for presentation to the U.S. Congress for remedy and accountability?

(#12) October 18, 2021
URGENT-By electronic email only to: [email protected]

To: Paul A. Suttell, Chair of National Center of State Courts (NCSC)
    300 Newport Avenue
     Williamsburg, VA 23185

RE: NCSC Investigation into U.S Family Court Crimes by state judicial public        servants/court officials
    Demand for Remedy and Accountability including demand for compensation,  restitution, and remuneration to ALL U.S. Family Court Crime Victims.

November 1, 2021

To: Special FBI Agent Mara Schneider
RE: Michigan Corruption Reporting via Email

Dear Special FBI Agent Schneider:

Please see the attached document for Michigan corruption reporting. I look forward to hearing from the FBI. Thank you.

Ms. Morrison

April 9, 2021, Source: Announcement of the Biden Commission on the U.S. Supreme Court    

June 22, 2021: To: The Biden Commission on Supreme Court reform; Investigative journalists; and Advocates of Honest Judiciaries 
Dear Commissioners, Journalists, and Advocates:

Kindly find my story of the abuse of power by judges that I have suffered and/or witnessed at I am sending it to support my request that you hear me and similarly situated abusees at the “public meetings” that the Commission is mandated to hold. You should allow your “meetings” and your report to inform the national public of how justices and judges behave in practice, abusing their power for their gain and convenience because they are unaccountable, and their abuse is riskless. By contrast, if you limit yourself to a mere discussion of the theory of constitutional law on the Supreme Court, you will have allowed yourselves to be manipulated as a pretext for implementing the foregone political decision to “pack the Court”. I also request that you journalists join forces with journalism, Information Technology, and business academics to expose judicial abuse of power at the unprecedented citizens hearings proposed by Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq. At those citizens hearings, multidisciplinary panels of journalists and academics can take the testimony of abusees. They can do so live at media stations and university auditoriums across the country as well as via video conference to make it inexpensive and convenient for them and the public to attend. This can launch a MeToo!-like trend of public accountability here and abroad. It is overdue: In the 232 years since the creation of the Federal Judiciary in 1789, the number of federal judges impeached and removed is only 8! For comparison, the number of federal officers on the bench on September 30, 2020, was 2,341. Federal judges need not fear losing their jobs. In practice, they have turned public power entrusted to them into the power of a State above the state. The “meetings” and the citizens hearings can expose the nature, extent, and gravity of judges’ abuse. On that factual basis, the reform can be undertaken of not only the Supreme Court, where in the October 2019-September 2020 fiscal year only “73 cases were argued and 69 were disposed of in 53 signed opinions”, but also the lower federal courts, which terminated 1,103,337(page 10) in the year to September 30, 2020. The citizens hearings can be expanded to take the testimony of victims of state judges, who are just as outrageous in their abuse of power. The hearings can thus lead to a reform that takes from judges the unaccountability that they have arrogated to themselves and gives back to We the People, the Masters of all public servants, what is our birthright: government by the rule of law where the People exercise their right to hold also their judicial public servants accountable for entrusted power and liable to compensate the victims of their abuse. Therefore, I request the opportunity to be heard also at the citizens hearings.

12/29/21: (Morrison) ICC Preliminary Investigation Request Sent 
The Hague, 17 January 2022: 
Dear Sir, Madam:
"The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of your documents/letter"

June 2022: ICC Criminal Complaint
Affidavit of Atrocity Crimes:

10/21/21 ICC-investigation request Biden prioritizes anti-corruption efforts in national security policy "Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It is self-defense".

2/18/22,4534,7-359-82917_100846---,00.html  CRIME VICTIM RIGHTS In Michigan, a victim is an individual who suffers direct or threatened physical, financial, or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime.  (EXCLUDING COURT CRIME VICTIMS??)
Questions: The "U.S. Injustice System" is not broken?  Does it work perfectly for the government career employees who run and benefit from it? Is it impenetrable by design and cannot be fixed?  Could it not exist but for the fact it is intentionally kept in place by the government employees in each branch for their own financial benefit and power? Has the "U.S. Injustice System" been set up to have no consequences for acts of Crimes against Humanity by the self-created, illegal, delusional, fictitious notion of "immunity" that is used as a sword and shied to delude the public that government employees can perpetrate their crimes with impunity? 

According to the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, there are two kinds of human rights violations: those committed overtly by the state and those in which the state fails to protect against human rights violations. The U.S. is both perpetrating the violations and failing to protect against them. 

November 2021: United Nations/International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Views Adopted by the Human Rights Committee (ICCPR), in part:

#7.3 The remedy must not exist merely in theory but must operate effectively, and payment must be made within a reasonable period of time.
#9: Pursuant to article 2 (3) (a) of the Covenant, the State party is under an obligation to provide the author with an effective remedy. This requires it to make full reparation to individuals whose rights under the Covenant have been violated. Accordingly, the State party is obligated to, inter alia, provide the author with adequate compensation. The State party is also under an obligation to take all steps necessary to prevent similar violations from occurring in the future, including by reviewing its domestic legislation, regulations and/or practices to ensure that individuals....... as a result of judicial acts or omissions may apply to receive adequate compensation, in accordance with the obligation set forth under the Covenant.

Is it time to end the normalization of systemically organized crimes in American Courts, which consists of the culture of impunity and the nationwide indifference, allowing the atrocity of state-sponsored organized crimes and making the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations viable?

1/20/22 DISCIPLINARY MECHANISMS APPLICABLE TO JUDGES “Judges must be – and be seen to be – independent, but not unaccountable.” Tyrannies invert the rule of law. They turn the law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in a faux legality. They use the decorum of the courts and trials, to mask their criminality.

Hypocrites are those who apply to others The standards that they refuse to accept for themselves.”–Noam Chomsky, philosopher.

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